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規定中文說明 規定英文說明
(空白) 准許(免除簽發許可證)。 Export permitted (free from licensing)
111 管制輸出。 Export controlled (licensed by the Bureau of Foreign Trade.)
112 每年11月1日至翌年3月31日管制出口。 Export controlled from 1st Nov. each year to 31 March next year.
121 由經濟部國際貿易署簽發輸出許可證。 Export permitted (licensed by the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs.)
132 出口目的國為歐盟者,應檢附台灣鋼鐵工業同業公會簽發以我國為原產地之原產地證明書。 If the country of destination is the EU, Certificates of Origin for products originating in the Republic of China issued by Taiwan Steel and Iron Industry Association is required.
236 應檢附輸出光碟製造機具申報備查文件。 It is necessary to submit a Certificate for Optical Disk Manufacturing Implement Export issued by the Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
440 應檢附農業部漁業署之出口鰻魚生產管理證明書。 A Production Certificate of Exporting Farmed Eel issued by the Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Agriculture is required.
441 應檢附農業部同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, is required.
442 (一)應檢附農業部漁業署或直轄市、縣(市)政府核發之「漁業證明書」。(二)屬再出口者應檢附農業部漁業署核發之「再出口漁業證明書」。 (1) Exporters must attach a "Statistical Document" issued by either the Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture or the municipal / county (city) government under whose jurisdiction they belong. (2) Those who intend to re-export the product must attach a "Re-Export Certificate" issued by the Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
443 應檢附農業部漁業署同意文件。 An approval from the Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Executive Yuan is required.
445 出口目的國為日本者,應檢附農業部農糧署同意文件;惟重量在5公斤以下且以樣品方式(例如標示SAMPLE OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE)出口至日本之冷凍果品,免檢附該同意文件。 If the country of destination is Japan, approval from the Agriculture and Food Agency, Ministry of Agriculture is required. Exportations consisting of frozen goods that weigh less than 5 Kilograms, and that are being shipped as sample products(for example, those marked "SAMPLE OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE")are exempted from the above regulations.
446 出口目的國為日本者,應檢附農業部農糧署同意文件;惟重量在13公斤以下且以樣品方式(例如標示SAMPLE OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE)出口至日本者,免檢附該同意文件。 If the country of destination is Japan, approval from the Agriculture and Food Agency, Ministry of Agriculture is required. Exportations consisting of goods that weigh less than 13 kilograms, and that are being shipped as sample products (for example, those marked "SAMPLE OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE") are exempted from the above regulations.
447 (一)出口目的國為日本者,應檢附農業部農糧署同意文件;惟重量在2公斤以下者,免檢附該同意文件。(二)以郵寄方式辦理出口者,除可向中華郵政股份有限公司於基隆市、臺北市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市等設有海關之郵局辦理報關出口外,亦可委託該公司所屬其他郵局向海關辦理報關出口;惟重量在2公斤以下者,免辦理報關。(三)以上所稱重量在2公斤以下者,係指整份報單或報關單所申報茶葉之合計總重量。 (1) Approvals form the Agriculture and Food Agency (A.F.A.), Ministry of Agriculture is required while tea commodities above 2 kg being exported to Japan. Unless the quantity of tea commodities to be exported are less than 2 kg.(2) By mail for exportation, in addition to declare directly tea commodities at the Customs established in the post offices of Keelung City, Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City by Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. It is also permitted to declare through the other branch post offices of Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. Unless the quantity of tea commodities to be exported is less than 2 kg.(3) The quantity less than 2 kg list above indicated total weight of whole package of tea commodities during customs clearance.
450 (一)應檢附農業部同意文件;惟重量在6公斤以下者,免檢附該同意文件,應於出口報單填列免證通關代碼「AGG99999999990」,據以報關出口。(二)以上所稱重量在6公斤以下者,係指整份報單或報關單所申報白米及糯米之合計總重量。 (1) An approval document from the Ministry of Agriculture is required; those equal to or less than 6 kg are exempted from that requirement, but the exemption code "AGG99999999990" should be specified on the export declaration document. (2) The 6 kg above refers to the combined weight of white rice and glutinous rice stated on the declaration document or filed for clearance.
454 應檢附台灣區冷凍蔬果工業同業公會同意文件 An approval from the Taiwan Regional Association of Frozen Vegetable and Fruit Manufacturers is required.
456 一、應檢附農業部同意文件;惟重量未滿5公斤者,免檢附該同意文件,應於出口報單填列免證通關代碼「AGF99999999998」,據以報關出口。二、以上所稱重量未滿5公斤者,係指整份報單所申報之同一貨品號列之貨品合計總重量。 1.Approval from Ministry of Agriculture is required. Exportations consisting of goods that weigh below 5 kilograms are exempted from the above regulations, but the exemption code "AGF99999999998" should be specified on the export declaration document. 2.The 5 kg above refers to the combined weight of goods under the same Tariff No. and C.C.C code stated on the declaration document.
473 應檢附石油業輸出登記證影本或經濟部能源署同意文件。 A photocopy of an oil export business registration certificate or a notice of approval from the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs is required.
480 除自歐盟及英國進口後復運出口至歐盟及英國且經經濟部國際貿易署專案核准者外,出口目的地國為歐盟(含會員國屬地)及英國者,應檢附以我國為原產地之原產地證明書。 Apart from imports from the EU and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for re-export to the EU and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , and those granted special approval by the International Trade Administration, MOEA, all exports destined for the EU (including to Member State territories ) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should have an accompanying Certificate of Origin from the Republic of China.
481 出口目的國為美國者,應檢附以我國為原產地之原產地證明書正本。 If the export destination is the United States, Certificates of Origin for products originating in the Republic of China shall be attached.
483 應檢附經濟部同意文件 Approval from the Ministry of Economic Affairs is required.
486 應檢附我國政府指定機關核發之Kimberley Process證書。 The exporter should submit the original Certificate issued by the designated authority in Taiwan.
488 一、輸出化學機械研磨機、光阻剝除機、光阻顯影機、快速高溫熱處理機、沉積設備、洗淨設備、乾燥機、電子顯微鏡、蝕刻機、離子植入機、光阻塗佈機、微影設備等十二類半導體晶圓製造設備,應檢附下列文件申請輸出許可證,出口人並應於輸出許可證列明所生產之晶圓尺寸及製程技術水準;違者,應自負相關法律責任:(一)輸往大陸地區者,如屬投資行為者,應檢附經濟部核准投資文件;如非投資行為者,應檢附非投資行為之切結書。輸往大陸以外地區者,應檢附保證不以輸出許可證上所載貨品投資大陸地區之切結書。(二)輸出CCC8486200040-5「半導體晶圓磊晶沉積機」、CCC8486200050-2「供摻雜半導體材料之離子植入器」、CCC8486200061-9「生產半導體晶圓用之步進及重複對準機」、CCC8486200062-8「生產半導體晶圓用之掃描對準機」及CCC8486200063-7「電子束直接寫入晶圓器具」等5個貨品分類號列項下之貨品,應另檢附經濟部出具之非屬戰略性高科技貨品鑑定報告或該設備供應商之出口管制確認非屬戰略性高科技貨品文件。(三)屬戰略性高科技貨品列管項目者,除應檢附上述(一)文件外,應另依戰略性高科技貨品輸出入管理辦法相關規定辦理。二、輸出非屬上述十二類半導體晶圓製造設備者,應檢附經濟部出具之非屬十二類半導體晶圓製造設備及非屬戰略性高科技貨品鑑定報告,申請輸出許可證。三、保稅區或課稅區或自由貿易港區間之半導體晶圓製造設備移轉,免辦理輸出許可證。 I. To export any of these 12 categories of semi-conductor wafer fabricating equipment (i.e. chemical mechanical polishers, photo-resist strippers, photo-resist developers, rapid thermal processors, deposition apparatuses, cleaning equipment, dryers, electron microscopes, etchers, ion implanters, photo-resist coaters, and lithography equipment) , the exporter shall submit the appropriate documents mentioned below in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) when applying for an export permit and shall also specify the size and the technical processing standards of the wafer in the export permit. The applicant is also obligated to uphold all relevant laws and regulations, contravention of which, violators shall bear all relevant legal responsibilities:(1)For equipment to be exported to mainland China, those making such investments, shall submit investment documents approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Those engaging in trade exclusive of investment, shall submit an affidavit assuring non-investment in such equipment. For equipment to be exported to areas other than mainland China, an affidavit assuring non-investment in such equipment in mainland China shall be submitted ; (2)For exportation of CCC8486200040-5 "Epitaxial deposition machines for semiconductor wafers" , CCC8486200050-2 "Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials" , CCC8486200061-9 "Step and repeat aligners for semiconductor wafers" , CCC8486200062-8 "Scanning aligners for semiconductor wafers" and CCC8486200063-7 "Electron beam direct writers to produce patterns on semiconductor wafer" , a non-Strategic High-tech Commodities assessment report issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), or equipment supplier, shall be submitted.(3) For controlled strategic high-tech commodities, the exporter must apply for an Export Permit for Strategic High-tech Commodities and submit it with the appropriate document mentioned above in paragraph I (1.), while abiding by the Regulations Governing Export and Import of Strategic High-tech Commodities. II. For exportation of products that do not belong to any of the 12 categories of semi-conductor wafer fabrication equipment listed above, a non-Strategic High-tech Commodities Assessment Report issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) stating that the products do not belong to any of the 12 categories of semi-conductor wafer fabrication equipment, shall be submitted and an export permit is required. III. Semi-conductor wafer fabricating equipment that is transferred among a bonded area, duty-levying area or Free Trade Zone, does not require an export permit.
516 應檢附中央銀行發行局之同意文件。 An approval from the Issue Department of the Central Bank of China is required.
522 出口管制藥品(包括人用、動物用麻醉藥品、影響精神藥品及其原料)應檢附衛生福利部食品藥物管理署核發之同意文件(輸出憑照或輸出同意書);該同意文件第二聯於通關時經海關核驗簽署後,由出口人交還食品藥物管理署。 For exportation of controlled drugs (including narcotics drugs and Psychotropic substances for human use or veterinary drugs as well as active pharmaceutical ingredient), an approval issued by Food and Drug Administration , Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. Exporter must return one copy of the above mentioned approval to issuing authority after clearance and endorsement by customs.
523 一、出口本項下人用藥品,應檢附衛生福利部核發之藥品許可證影本。(屬外貨復出口者,免附)二、出口非屬人用藥品,於出口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999523,免依上述規定辦理。 (1)For exportation of commodities under this item of medicines for human use, a photocopy of medicine permit issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. (For re-export of the imports, the photocopy of the medicine permit is not required)(2)For exportation of medicines not for human use, should list the special code DHM99999999523 on the export application and is exempted from the above regulations.
524 應檢附衛生福利部同意文件。(屬外貨復出口者,免附) Approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required.(For re-export of the imports, the approval is not required)
525 出口本項下動物用藥品,應取得農業部動植物防疫檢疫署核發之中華民國核准輸出動物用藥品證明書。(屬外貨復出口者,免附) For exportation commodities under this item of veterinary drugs, a certificate for export of veterinary drugs issued by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture is prerequisite. (Re-exportation of foreign goods is exempted from the above requirements)
531 應檢附直轄市、縣市主管機關核發之同意文件;出口目的國為日本且該同意文件註明屬有害事業廢棄物者,應另檢附巴塞爾公約廢棄物越境轉移-轉移文件,憑以報關出口。 Consent letter from a competent authority at the municipal, city or county government level, is required. When the waste is stated as hazardous industrial waste in the mentioned consent letter, and for those exports with Japan as the country of destination, the Movement Document regarding the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal should also be attached for the purpose of exports customs clearance.
532 限輸往蒙特婁議定書之簽約國或遵守議定書並經環境部認可之國家或地區。 The goods can only be exported to: (1) a party to the Montreal Protocol, or(2) one of the countries or territories which are in compliance with the Montreal Protocol and obtain permission granted by the Ministry of Environment.
533 出口毒性或關注化學物質:第一類至第三類毒性化學物質,應檢附經直轄市、縣(市)主管機關同意之輸出登記文件;第四類毒性化學物質及管制輸出運作行為之關注化學物質,應檢附直轄市、縣(市)主管機關核發之核可文件;如非屬環境部公告列管之毒性化學物質及管制輸出運作行為之關注化學物質,應檢附環境部化學物質管理署核發之不列管證明文件。 Exportation of toxic or concerned chemical substances: Export registration documents approved by special municipality, county or city competent authority are required for toxic chemical substances of classes 1 to 3; Approval documents granted by special municipality, county or city competent authority are required for toxic chemical substances of classes 4 and concerned chemical substances, of which the specified handling includes export; but if the exports are not toxic chemical substances and concerned chemical substances, of which the specified handling includes export, announced by the Ministry of Environment, the certificate of no control issued by the Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment is required.
534 屬環境部公告之「屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物」者,應於出口報單填列免證通關代碼「EPH90000000001」,據以報關出口。非屬上述者,應依531規定辦理。 For the exportation of"Industrial Waste Required as Materials for Industrial Use"announced by the Ministry of Environment, special code EPH90000000001 should be specified on the export declaration documents. For importing waste which is not contained in the aforesaid announcement, compliance with regulation 531 is required.
541 應檢附核能安全委員會同意文件。 Approval from the Nuclear Safety Commission is required.
550 應檢附環境部核發之同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of Environment is required.
551 應檢附內政部警政署同意文件,但軍事機關應檢附國防部同意文件。 An approval from the National Police Administration, Ministry of the Interior is required. if the exported goods are for military authority use, then an approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required.
552 應檢附直轄市或縣(市)警察局同意文件。 An approval from the local city or county police administration is required.
801 (一)出口人用藥品,應依523規定辦理(二)出口動物用藥品,應依525規定辦理。 (1) Exportation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation "523". (2) Exportation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "525".
804 (一)出口人用藥品,應依523規定辦理。(二)出口動物用藥品,應依525規定辦理。(三)出口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依524規定辦理。 (1) Exportation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "523". (2) Exportation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "525". (3) Exportation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "524".
805 (一)出口農藥,應依441規定辦理(二)出口毒性或關注化學物質,應依533規定辦理。 (1) Exportation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of '441'. (2) Exportation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of '533'.
806 (一)出口人用藥品、人類血液:1.應依523規定辦理。2.出口研究用、教學或檢驗用之「非感染性人類檢體」,於出口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999990。(二)出口動物用藥品,應依525規定辦理。(三)出口感染性生物材料,應依524規定辦理。(四)出口人類細胞株:1.應依524規定辦理。2.出口供研究用之人類細胞株(含人類幹細胞株、非屬本國人之人類胚胎幹細胞株),於出口報單填列專用代碼DHK99999999999。 1. Exportation of human drug products and human blood: (1) is governed by the regulation of "523". (2) The dedicated code (number) for export declaration (application for export) of exported non-infectious human blood for research, teaching or testing is DHM99999999990. 2. Exportation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "525". 3. Exportation of infectious biological materials for experimental study is governed by the regulation of "524". 4. Exportation of human cell lines: (1) is governed by the regulation of "524". (2) Exportation of human cell lines (including human stem cell lines, human embryonic stem cell lines from non-citizens) for research should list the special code DHK99999999999 on the export application.
807 (一)出口人用藥品、人類檢體:1.應依523規定辦理。2.出口研究用、教學或檢驗用之「非感染性人類檢體」,於出口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999990。(二)出口動物用藥品,應依525規定辦理。(三)出口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依524規定辦理。(四)出口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、人類檢體、動物用藥品、傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 1. Exportation of human drug products and human specimens: (1) is governed by the regulation of "523". (2) The dedicated code (number) for export declaration (application for export) of exported non-infectious human specimens for research, teaching or testing is DHM99999999990. 2. Exportation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of"525". 3. Exportation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "524". 4. Exportation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary drug, and is not a specimen of human or animal origin, a specimen of communicable diseases or a suspected specimen of communicable diseases" is required.
808 (一)出口人用藥品,應依523規定辦理。(二)出口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依524規定辦理。(三)出口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Exportation of human drug products and human blood is governed by the regulation of "523". (2) Exportation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "524". (3) Exportation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine, and is not a specimen of communicable diseases or a suspected specimen of communicable diseases" is required.
B01 出口時,應依農業部動植物防疫檢疫署編訂之「應實施動物檢疫品目表」及有關檢疫規定辦理。
【註:相關規定請洽農業部動植物防疫檢疫署或至該署網站 https://www.aphia.gov.tw 查詢】。
Exportation shall be subject to the prescription set forth in the "List of Items Subject to Animal Quarantine" and relevant quarantine requirements compiled by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
(Note: Please contact APHIA for related quarantine requirements or access the APHIA's website https://www.aphia.gov.tw.)
S01 輸往北韓敏感貨品清單內列管項目出口或再出口至北韓者,應向經濟部國際貿易署或經濟部委任或委託之機關(構)申請戰略性高科技貨品輸出許可證,並憑以報關出口。 Exporters who export or re-export goods to North Korea on the "Sensitive Commodity List" need an "Export Permit of Strategic High-Tech Commodities" issued by the TITA or a government authority (agency) appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
S03 輸往伊朗敏感貨品清單內列管項目出口或再出口至伊朗者,應向經濟部國際貿易署或經濟部委任或委託之機關(構)申請戰略性高科技貨品輸出許可證,並憑以報關出口。 Exporters who export or re-export goods to Iran on the "Sensitive Commodity List" need an "Export Permit of Strategic High-Tech Commodities" issued by the TITA or a government authority (agency) appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
S04 輸往伊朗敏感貨品清單內,貨品規格達經濟部公告之「軍商兩用貨品及技術出口管制清單」及「一般軍用貨品清單」出口或再出口至伊朗者,應向經濟部國際貿易署或經濟部委任或委託之機關(構)申請戰略性高科技貨品輸出許可證,並憑以報關出口。 Exporters who export or re-export goods to Iran on the "Sensitive Commodity List", specifications of which fall under the "Export Control List for Dual Use Items and Technology, and Common Military List", need an "Export Permit of Strategic High-Tech Commodities" issued by the TITA or a government authority (agency) appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.