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規定中文說明 規定英文說明
(空白) 准許(免除簽發許可證)。 Import permitted (free from licensing)
111 管制輸入。 Import controlled (licensed by the Bureau of Foreign Trade.)
113 自美國、加拿大、荷蘭、瑞典、日本或墨西哥進口時,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可證。進口報驗時,應檢附出口國(地區)政府檢疫及食品安全主管機關簽發之證明書;自美國進口時,應另檢附輸臺證明書。 Importation from the United States, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, Japan or Mexico shall apply for import license from the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs. When applying for inspection, applicants shall submit certificates for meat products issued by competent authorities of animal health and food safety. Applicants for products from the U.S. shall submit Certificate for Export to Taiwan.
114 朝鮮人民共和國(北韓)物品不准進口。 Importation of Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) products is prohibited.
121 由經濟部國際貿易署簽發輸入許可證。 Import permit issued by the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
236 應檢附輸入光碟製造機具申報備查文件。 It is necessary to submit a Certificate for Optical Disk Manufacturing Implement Import issued by the Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
251 應檢附經濟部產業發展署同意文件。 Approval from the Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs is required.
255 應檢附經濟部能源署同意文件。 Approval from the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs is required.
256 輸入25瓦特以上(含)之白熾燈泡,應檢附經濟部能源署同意文件。 Importing incandescent lamps with an input power exceeding or equal to 25W should provide an approval document issued by the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
259 應檢附經濟部水利署同意文件。 Approval from the Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs is required.
301 應檢附經濟部同意文件 Approval from the Ministry of Economic Affairs is required.
343 限由中央印製廠憑中央銀行發行局同意文件辦理進口。 Importation shall be made only by China Engraving & Printing Works with the requisite approval document from the Issue Department of the Central Bank of China.
344 應檢附中央銀行發行局之同意文件。 An approval from the Issue Department of the Central Bank of China is required.
362 應檢附直轄巿或縣(巿)警察局同意文件。 An approval from the local city or county police administration is required.
363 應檢附內政部警政署同意文件,但軍事機關應檢附國防部同意文件。 An approval from the National Police Administration, Ministry of the Interior is required. if the imported goods are for military authority use, then an approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required.
364 進口槍枝或槍枝之零件及附件,槍管、滑套(轉輪)、槍機等為金屬材質者,應檢附內政部警政署同意文件;如非屬前述者,應檢附內政部警政署核發之不列管證明文件。 For importation of guns, parts and accessories thereof in which the barrels, slides (cylinders) or actions are made of metal, approval from the National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) is required. For importation of commodities that do not belong to the aforementioned category, a control-free document issued by the National Police Agency of the MOI is required.
366 應檢附內政部核發之同意文件或非屬爆竹煙火管理條例列管項目之證明文件。 Approval from the Ministry of the Interior, or a certificate stating that the items are not controlled under the Firework and Firecracker Regulation Act issued by the Ministry of the Interior is required.
367 進口量達50公斤(含)以上者,應檢附內政部許可文件 Approval from the Ministry of the Interior is required when the quantity of the commodity to be imported is equal to or more than 50 kilograms.
368 應檢附Kimberley Process參與方指定機關核發之Kimberley Process證書。 The Kimberley Process Certificate issued by the designated export authority of the Kimberley Process Participant is required.
375 一、進口經勞動部指定或公告指定之機械、設備或器具(以下簡稱受指定產品),應取得勞動部核發之登錄完成通知書,或勞動部認可之型式驗證機構核發之型式驗證合格證書,並應申報填列登錄完成通知書號碼(十四碼)或型式驗證合格證明書號碼(十四碼)。進口受指定產品如未取得前述登錄完成通知書或型式驗證合格證明書,得向勞動部辦理輸入品具結先行放行,並應申報填列輸入先行放行通知書號碼(十四碼)。二、進口符合下列之受指定產品,逐案於指定網站完成填報,及上傳勞動部核發之同意文件或目的事業主管機關核發之確認文件,並於進口報單填列指定代碼者,免依第一項規定辦理:(一)已依其他法律規定實施檢查、檢驗、驗證或認可者。(二)屬專供國防軍事、科技研究、實驗、展覽或測試用途者,已取得目的事業主管機關核發之確認文件。(三)進口至國內組裝、加工後,將復運出口者。三、進口非屬受指定產品,於進口報單填列專用代碼ML999999999989者,免依第一項規定辦理。 1. Importation of the required or regulated machinery, equipment and tools by the Ministry of Labor (MOL) (hereinafter referred to as "The regulated Goods") must be handled according to the following regulations: (1) A copy of the registration document for the regulated Goods issued by the MOL or the Conformity of Certificate (COC) of Type-Certification issued by the designated Type-Certification Bodies (TCBs) should be obtained, and; (2) the number of the registration document or the COC (all consisting of 14 letters and digits) must be declared and listed in the import declaration. In case of importation of the regulated Goods without the registration document or the Conformity of Certificate (COC) of Type-Certification, the Application for Prior Release for the importation of the regulated Goods may be submitted to MOL. The specified number for Prior Release for the importation of the regulated Goods (14 letters and digits) must be declared and listed in the import declaration. 2. For the importation of the regulated Goods which meet any one of following conditions, these have been registered and uploaded the Approval document by the MOL or the Authority on the specified website, and the specified code should be listed on the import declaration are exempted from the above regulations of item 1 :(1) regulated Goods are subject to requirements for inspection, certification, approval or management in accordance with other laws or acts, (2) Importation of Goods for military or national defense use, sole purpose of technological research and development, experimental study, exhibition or testing use, an approval issued by the Authority. (3) Certain Goods to be imported will be exported after further processing or assembling.3. Importing Goods are exemption from the scope for the above regulations of item 1, the specialized code ML999999999989 should be listed on the import application for these Goods.
401 應檢附農業部同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of Agriculture is required.
402 應檢附種苗業登記證影本,但進口數量在100公克以下者,得免附。 A photocopy of seed plant enterprise registration certificate is required, unless the quantity of the commodity to be imported is below 100 grams.
403 進口肥料應檢附農業部核發之肥料登記證影本(限原證持有者進口)或同意文件。 To import fertilizer, a photocopy of the fertilizer registration certificate (this certificate should be used exclusively by the owner himself) or a notice of approval from the Ministry of Agriculture is required.
404 (一)進口飼料,應檢附農業部核發之飼料輸入登記證影本或農業部、臺北市、高雄巿政府核發之飼料製造登記證影本(持飼料製造登記證申請進口者,僅限飼料工廠進口自用飼料原料)。(二)進口飼料添加物,應檢附農業部核發之飼料添加物輸入登記證影本(以上飼料或飼料添加物品目以農業部公告者為準)。(三)非飼料或飼料添加物登記證持有者,應加附持有者之授權文件,或於登記證影本上加蓋授權使用之章戳。(四)如屬樣品、贈品,應檢附農業部或臺北市、高雄巿政府核發之進口同意文件。 (1) For importation of feedstuff, a photocopy of registration certificate for importation of feedstuff issued by the Ministry of Agriculture or a photocopy of registration certificate for manufacturing of feedstuff issued by the Ministry of Agriculture , Taipei or Kaohsiung City Government is required. (The importer who may use the registration certificate for manufacturing of feedstuff in applying for importation of feedstuff is limited to the manufacturer of feedstuff, who will use the feedstuff as materials by himself). (2) For importation of feedstuff additives, a photocopy of registration certificate for importation of feedstuff additives issued by the Ministry of Agriculture is required. (The above mentioned feedstuff and feedstuff additives should be limited to those duly announced by the Ministry of Agriculture ). (3) For non-certificate holders, they shall submit an application for importation together with an authorization documentation issued by the owner of such a certificate or a stamp on the photocopy of the said certificate indicating that authorization to use the relevant certificate has been granted. (4) If the imported goods are samples or gifts, an approval from the Ministry of Agriculture , Taipei or Kaohsiung City Government is required.
405 進口農藥:(一)農藥成品應檢附農業部動植物防疫檢疫署核發之農藥許可證及農藥販賣業執照影本(二)農藥原體限由農藥製造業者進口,應檢附農藥(製造)許可證及農藥(原體輸入)許可證影本(三)非農藥許可證持有者,應加附持有者之授權文件,或於農藥許可證影本上加蓋授權使用之章戳。 For importation of agro-pesticides: (1) A photocopy of agro-pesticide (import) license and a license for dealing in agro-pesticides issued by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture are required. (2) Application for import of technical grade agro-pesticides is limited to pesticide manufacturers. The agro-applicant shall present both licenses for manufacturing agro-pesticides and technical grade agro-pesticides. (3) Nonlicensed importers shall submit an application accompanied by an authorization documentation issued by the license owner or a stamp on the photocopy of agro-pesticide license indicating that authorization to use the relevant license has been granted.
406 進口動物用藥品(包括原料藥、製劑及生物藥品):(一)應取得(1)「動物用藥品販賣業許可證」及農業部核發之輸入「動物用藥品許可證」(非輸入動物用藥品許可證持有者應得到原證持有者之授權),或(2)如屬自用原料,應取得農業部核發含該成分製劑之「製造動物用藥品許可證」及農業部動植物防疫檢疫署核發之「動物用藥品自用原料藥輸入審核通知書」。(二)如屬樣品、贈品,應取得農業部動植物防疫檢疫署核發之「動物用藥品樣品、贈品輸入審核通知書」。 For importation of veterinary drugs (including raw material pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical products, and biological products): (1) a) A "veterinary drug dealer license" and a "veterinary drug import license" (non-licensed importers shall be authorized by the license holder) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture , are prerequisite; or b) if the imported goods are raw (bulk) materials limited to the self-use of veterinary drug manufacturer, a "license for manufacturing veterinary drug " containing the active ingredient(s) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and an "Import Certificate For Raw (Bulk) Material Limited to The Veterinary Drug Manufacturer for Self-use " issued by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture are prerequisite. 2) If the imported goods are samples or gifts, an "Import Certificate for Veterinary Drug Samples or Gifts" issued by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture is prerequisite.
442 應檢附農業部漁業署同意文件。 Approval from the Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture is required.
451 1.應檢附農業部核發之同意文件或完成糧商登記(業務種類含輸入)之證明文件;惟稻穀及糙米應檢附農業部核發之同意文件。2.含有非經中央主管機關同意境外生產之國內育成水稻品種者,不得輸入我國。但經中央主管機關核准者,不在此限。 1.Importers are required to attach a photocopy of an approval permit or a registered food dealer's identification document(registered item should involve food importation)issued by the Ministry of Agriculture but imported rough rice and brown rice are required to attach a photocopy of an approval permit issued by the Ministry of Agriculture .2.The rice items containing rice varieties bred domestically that have not been allowed by the Central Competent Authority for overseas cultivation are prohibited for import, unless such import has been approved by the Central Competent Authority.
454 (一)應檢附農業部核發之同意文件或完成糧商登記(業務種類含輸入)之證明文件;惟重量在6公斤以下者,不限通關途徑及貨品輸入人,免檢附該同意文件,應於進口報單填列免證通關代碼「AGG98888888880」,據以報關進口。(二)以上所稱重量在6公斤以下者,係指整份報單或報關單所申報白米及糯米之合計總重量。(三)含有非經中央主管機關同意境外生產之國內育成水稻品種者,不得輸入我國。但經中央主管機關核准或前點重量在6公斤以下者,不在此限。 1. Importers are required to attach a photocopy of an approval permit or a registered food dealer's identification document (registered item should involve food importation) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture; those equal to or less than 6 kg, regardless of the clearance methods and importers, are exempted from that requirement, but the exemption code "AGG98888888880" should be specified on the import declaration document. 2. The 6 kg above refers to the combined weight of white rice and glutinous rice stated on the declaration document or filed for clearance. 3. The rice items containing rice varieties bred domestically that have not been allowed by the Central Competent Authority for overseas cultivation are prohibited for import, unless such import has been approved by the Central Competent Authority or those equal to or less than 6 kg.
462 進口英國蘇格蘭威士忌酒,應檢附英國海關核發之蘇格蘭威士忌酒酒齡及產地證明書;如屬進口供自用且其數量不超過5公升者免附。 Imported Scotch whisky shall be taxed and released upon presentation of a"certificate of age and origin for Scotch whisky:(C&E 94J)"issued by the Customs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Provided that the importation is for personal use and the quantity does not exceed 5 liters, the above mentioned C&E 94J certificate is waived.
463 一、應檢附財政部核發之菸酒進口業許可執照影本或財政部同意文件。如屬進口供自用之菸酒,其數量不超過下列規定者免附:(一)菸:捲菸5條(1000支)、雪茄125支、菸絲5磅。(二)酒:5公升。二、進口供分裝之菸,業者於報關時應報明其用途,並檢附生產國政府或政府授權之商會所出具之原產地證明。 1. A photocopy of the tobacco and/or alcohol importer business license or an approval issued by Ministry of Finance is required. Provided that the importation is for self-consumption and the quantity does not exceed the following, the above mentioned documents are not required: (1) Tobacco: 1,000 cigarettes, 125 cigars or 5 pounds of cut tobacco. (2) Alcoholic beverage: 5 liters.2. For importation of tobacco products to repackage, the usage should be specified during customs clearance, and the certificate of origin issued by the government or chambers of commerce authorized by the government of the country of production is required.
465 應檢附(一)出口國、產製國政府或其授權單位出具之產地證明,或(二)出口國主管機關核發含有動物來源之水域或養殖場名稱及地址之動物檢疫證明書影本(適用CCC0301.92.10.10-1、0301.92.10.20-9及0301.92.10.90-4等3項貨品),或(三)出口國核發含有捕撈或養殖地資訊之官方衛生證明文件影本(適用CCC0307.11.90.10-6、0307.11.90.90-9、0307.12.00.00-6、0307.71.30.10-6、0307.71.30.20-4、0307.71.90.10-3、0307.72.40.00-5、0307.81.21.00-7、0307.81.22.10-4、0307.81.22.20-2及0307.83.20.00-6等11項貨品),或(四)經濟部國際貿易局公告出口國與我國諮商取代該國產地證明之文件,(五)如屬進口供自用之貨品(活動物除外),且其數量未超過6公斤者免附。 Importers are required to have one of the following documents: (1) Certificate of Origin issued by either the exporting country, the government of the country of origin or its authorized agency; or (2) a photocopy of a health certificate specifies the information of the name of the water area of origin or name and address of the aquaculture facility of origin issued by the exporting country s competent authority applicable to CCC0301.92. 10.10-1 ,0301.92.10.20-9 and 0301.92.10.90-4) or (3) a photocopy of a health certificate includes the information of the catching or harvest area issued by the official competent authority of the exporting country applicable to CCC0307.11.90.10-6,0307.11.90.90-9, 0307.12.00.00-6, 0307.71.30.10-6, 0307.71.30.20-4, 0307.71.90.10-3, 0307.72.40.00-5, 0307.81.21.00-7, 0307.81.22.10-4, 0307.81.22.20-2 and 0307.83.20.00-6) or (4) a document in lieu of Certificate of Origin from the country of origin that has been negotiated between the country of origin and our country and of which the Bureau of Foreign Trade has issued a public announcement. (5) Provided that the importation is for self consumption and the quantity does not exceed 6 kilograms (except live animal), the above mentioned documents are not required.
466 自北韓以外之國家或地區輸入時,應檢附產製國政府或其授權單位出具之產地證明。 For importation of commodities from a country or region other than North Korea, importers are required to have a Certificate of Origin issued either by the government of the country of origin or its authorized agency.
467 一、供製酒及製藥酒以外工業使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附經濟部產業發展署之同意文件;供製酒使用之未變性酒精,應檢附財政部之同意文件;供軍事機關、軍事學校及軍醫院使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附國防部之同意文件;供製藥酒工業使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附衛生福利部之同意文件;供醫療使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附衛生主管機關核發之開業證明文件影本;供檢驗使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附檢測產品之各主管機關同意或證明用途文件;供學校實驗研究使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附教育部之同意文件;供中央研究院實驗研究使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附中央研究院之同意文件;供能源使用之自用未變性酒精,應檢附經濟部能源署之同意文件。二、酒精成分達百分之九十九點五以上,且單位包裝容量為五公升以下之無水酒精,供醫療、檢驗、實驗研究使用者,應檢附財政部核發之未變性酒精進口業許可執照影本。 1.For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used by a business other than one registered for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages and medicated alcohol, an approval from the Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used by a business registered for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, an approval from the Ministry of Finance is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used by the military authority, military schools, or military hospitals, an approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used by a business registered for the manufacture of medicated alcohol, an approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used for medication, a copy of practice license issued by the health competent authority is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used for inspection, an approval or a proof of purpose issued by the competent authorities of relevant products is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used for experimentation research by schools, an approval from the Ministry of Education is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used for experimental research by the Academia Sinica, an approval from the Academia Sinica is required. For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol to be used for energy, an approval from the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs is required. 2.For importation of dehydrated alcohol with alcoholic strength over 99.5% and unit volume of less than five liters to be used for medication, inspection and experimental research, an import license of undenatured ethyl alcohol issued by the Ministry of Finance is required.
468 (一)進口電池應檢附出口國、產製國政府或其授權單位出具之產地證明文件;(二)進口模組除應檢附出口國、產製國政府或其授權單位出具之產地證明文件外,並應檢附模組及其電池非大陸地區產製之文件或切結書供海關查驗。 (1)For the importation of cells, a Certificate of Origin for cells issued by either the government of the exporting country, the government of the country of origin, or authorized agencies of either the exporting country or the country of origin is required; (2)For the importation of modules (or panels), a Certificate of Origin for modules (or panels) issued by either the government of the exporting country, the government of the country of origin, or authorized agencies of either the exporting country or the country of origin, and an affidavit assuring that modules (or panels) and cells are not manufactured in mainland China are required.
469 除產地為財政部公告應課徵反傾銷稅之國家者外,進口時應檢附出口國、產製國政府或其授權單位出具之產地證明。 Except for products with country of origin that the Ministry of Finance has declared are subject to anti-dumping duties, importers shall provide a Certificate of Origin issued by either the government of the exporting country, the government of the country of origin or authorized agencies of either the exporting country or the country of origin.
501 應檢附衛生福利部同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required.
502 進口乾品:(一)應檢附中藥商執照影本或衛生福利部核發之藥品製造許可證影本。(二)進口粉末貨品,應另檢附衛生福利部核發之藥品許可證影本,或衛生福利部核發之同意文件。(三)貨品名稱應載明中文本草名及中藥材或中藥粉。進口非乾品,不受前述之限制。 For importing dry goods:(1) A photocopy of business license for dealing with Chinese medicine ( or pharmaceutical manufacturing license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare ) is required.(2) Importing powder goods should be attached a photocopy of the drug license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, or an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.(3) Commodity description shall indicate the specific name in Chinese and Chinese medicine materials or Chinese medicine powder.The above regulations do not apply to importing non-dry goods.
503 進口人用藥品(包括製劑、原料藥、助診藥類及人用生物製劑):應檢附(一)藥商許可執照影本及衛生福利部核發之(輸入)藥品許可證影本,或(二)衛生福利部核發之同意文件。 Importation of drugs (including pharmaceutical products, active pharmaceutical ingredients, diagnostics and biological products) for human use requires either of the following: (1) a photocopy of the drug (import) license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare together with a photocopy of the license of the pharmaceutical firm; or (2) an approval issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
504 一、進口人用醫療器材應依下列規定辦理:(一)應檢附衛生福利部核發之醫療器材許可證影本或同意文件,並應申報填列醫療器材許可證號碼(十四碼)。(二)如屬危險性醫療儀器,除應檢附衛生福利部核發之醫療器材許可證影本,及申報填列醫療器材許可證號碼(十四碼)外,並須檢附衛生福利部核准醫療機構購置之同意文件。二、非供人用者免依上述規定辦理。 1. Importation of medical devices for human use must be handled according to the following regulations: (1) A photocopy of the medical devices pre-marketing license or an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare should be submitted. In addition, the number of the pre-marketing license (consisting of 14 letters and digits) must be declared and listed in the import declaration . (2) If the medical devices being imported are dangerous, then besides the photocopy of the medical device pre-marketing license and the license number declared and listed in the import declaration, an approval of the medical institutions/facilities procurement from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is also required. 2. Importation of medical devices which are not for human use are exempted from the above regulations.
505 進口中藥藥品(藥品許可證處方內容以中文標示者)應檢附(一)藥商許可執照影本及衛生福利部核發之(輸入)藥品許可證影本,或(二)衛生福利部中醫藥司核發之同意文件。 Importation of Chinese medicines (with the content of the formula of the drug written in Chinese on the import license) requires either of the following: (1) a photocopy of the drug (import) license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare together with a photocopy of the license of the pharmaceutical firm; or (2) an approval issued by the Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
506 進口人用藥品(包括製劑、原料藥、助診藥類及人用生物製劑): 應檢附(一)藥商許可執照影本及衛生福利部核發之(輸入)藥品許可證影本,或(二)衛生福利部核發之同意文件。(三)如屬專供研究或實驗用之抗生素及其衍生物,於進口報單填列專用代碼 DHM99999999506,免依上述規定辦理。 Importation of drugs (including pharmaceutical products, active pharmaceutical ingredients, diagnostics and biological products) for human use requires either of the following: (1) a photocopy of the drug (import) license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare together with a photocopy of the license of the pharmaceutical firm; or (2) an approval issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.(3)Importing antibiotics and their other derivatives for research use, or experiment use should list the special code DHM99999999506 on the import application and is exempted from the above regulations.
507 進口特定用途化粧品應依下列規定辦理:(一) 應檢附衛生福利部核發之特定用途化粧品許可證影本或同意書,並應申報填列特定用途化粧品簽審文件編號 (二)如屬個人自用之特定用途化粧品,每種至多12瓶 (盒、罐、包、袋),合計不得超過36瓶 (盒、罐、包、袋,以原包裝為限),得於進口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999507,免依上述規定辦理。 Importation of specific purpose cosmetics must be handled according to the following regulations:(1) A photocopy of the specific purpose cosmetics pre-marketing license or an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare should be submitted. In addition, the number of the pre-marketing license (consisting of 14 letters and digits) must be declared and listed in the import declaration.(2)Provided that the importation is for self-consumption and the quantity does 1 species not exceed 12 PCE (EAC,BOT) and overall amount not exceed 36 PCE (EAC,BOT) should list the special code DHM99999999507 on the import application and is exempted from the above regulations.
508 一、進口食品添加物應依下列規定辦理:(一)輸入衛生福利部發布「食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準」收載之單方食品添加物(香料除外),應向衛生福利部取得食品添加物許可證,並依F01規定辦理。(二)如屬香料或複方食品添加物,應依F01規定辦理。二、進口非食品添加物之食品原料,應依F01規定辦理。三、如屬食品添加物之樣品、贈品,應向衛生福利部取得「貨品進口同意書」。四、進口非供食品或食品添加物用途者,於進口報單填列專用代碼DH999999999508,免依上述規定辦理。 1. For importation of food additives must be handled according to the following regulations: (1) If the petitioned food additive (excluding flavorings) is enlist in the current "Standards for Specification, Scope, Application and Limitation of Food Additives", a food additives license approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required, and shall be governed by the regulation of "F01". (2) For importation of flavorings or food additive mixtures, shall be governed by the regulation of "F01". 2. For importation of foods but not food additives, shall be governed by the regulation of "F01". 3. If the imported food additives are samples or gifts, an "import certificate" approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. 4. Importation of commodity not to be used as foods or food additives, should list the special code DH999999999508 on the import application and is exempted from the above regulations.
509 (一)進口屬藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口屬食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬藥品、食品添加物」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) For importation of medicine, it is governed by the regulation of "503".(2) For importation of food additives, it is governed by the regulation of "508".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is " not belong to medicine and food additives" is required.
511 進口錠劑、膠囊狀食物製品,應向衛生福利部取得許可文件(該許可文件僅限申請之進口業者自行持用,不得授權其他業者使用)。如屬樣品、贈品,應向衛生福利部取得「貨品進口同意書」。 For importation of foods in capsule or tablet form, approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. (This APPROVAL should be used exclusively by the owner himself and authorization to use by others is prohibited.) If the imported goods are samples or gifts, an "import certificate" approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required.
513 (一)進口中藥材,應依502規定辦理。(二)進口非供中藥用者,應註明「非中藥用」字樣,免依502規定辦理。 (1) Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502". (2) Importation of commodity not to be used as Chinese medicine shall be exempted from complying with the regulation of "502", but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as Chinese medicine" is required.
514 (一)進口屬食品及其相關產品,應依F01規定辦理。(二)進口屬中藥材,應依502規定辦理。(三)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01".(2) Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502".(3) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
522 進口管制藥品(包括人用、動物用麻醉藥品、影響精神藥品及其原料)應檢附衛生福利部食品藥物管理署核發之同意文件(輸入憑照或輸入同意書);該同意文件第二聯於通關時經海關核驗簽署後,由進口人交還食品藥物管理署。 For importation of controlled drugs (including narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances for human use or veterinary medicines as well as active pharmaceutical ingredient), an approval issued by Food and Drug Administration , Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. Importer must return one copy of the above mentioned approval to issuing authority after clearance and endorsement by customs
526 (一)進口診斷用之試劑及配置試劑,不論是否有底襯,不包括第3002節或第3006節所列者,應檢附衛生福利部核發之同意文件。(二)進口研究用、實驗用或非供人用之試劑,於進口報單填列專用代碼 DHM99999999999,免依上述規定辦理。 (1)Importing reagents and prepared reagents for diagnostic use, whether on a backing or not, and other than those of heading No. 30.02 or 30.06, should provide an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. (2)Importing reagents for research use, or experiment use, or not for human use, should list the special code DHM99999999999 on the import application and is exempted from the above regulations.
528 (一)進口中藥材,應依502規定辦理(二)進口食品及相關產品,應依F01規定辦理(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明實際用途,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502". (2)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01".(3) Importation of commodity not belong to the aforesaid items shall be exempted the Practical use is required.
530 一、進口人用醫療器材應依下列規定辦理:(一)應檢附衛生福利部核發之醫療器材許可證影本或同意文件,並應申報填列醫療器材許可證號碼(十四碼)。(二)如屬危險性醫療儀器,除應檢附衛生福利部核發之醫療器材許可證影本,及申報填列醫療器材許可證號碼(十四碼)外,並須檢附衛生福利部核准醫療機構購置之同意文件。(三)進口專供藥物臨床試驗計畫之試驗用檢體採集耗材套組,於進口報單填列專用代碼DHM00000000504。二、非供人用者免依上述規定辦理。 1. Importation of medical devices for human use must be handled according to the following regulations: (1) A photocopy of the medical devices pre-marketing license or an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare should be submitted. In addition, the number of the pre-marketing license (consisting of 14 letters and digits) must be declared and listed in the import declaration . (2) If the medical devices being imported are dangerous, then besides the photocopy of the medical device pre-marketing license and the license number declared and listed in the import declaration, an approval of the medical institutions/facilities procurement from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is also required. (3) Importation of laboratory kit for medicaments (drugs and medical devices) clinical trial use should list the special code DHM00000000504 on the import application.2. Importation of medical devices which are not for human use are exempted from the above regulations.
550 應檢附環境部核發之同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of Environment is required.
551 應檢附直轄市、縣市主管機關核發之同意文件;輸出國為日本且該同意文件註明屬有害事業廢棄物者,應另檢附日本海關已用印之『輸出移動書類』,憑以報關進口。 Consent letter from a competent authority at the municipal, city or county government level is required. When the waste is stated as hazardous industrial waste in the mentioned consent letter, and is originated from Japan, the Movement Document with the stamp of approval from Japanese Customs should also be attached for the purpose of imports customs clearance.
552 進口環境用藥(包括原體、成品),應檢附:(一)1.環境部核發之環境用藥輸入許可證影本。非環境用藥輸入許可證持有者,應加附持有者之授權文件,或於環境用藥許可證影本上加蓋授權使用之章戳。2.環境用藥販賣業許可執照影本。但環境用藥製造業者進口環境用藥原體得檢附具該原體成分之環境用藥製造許可證影本;或(二)環境部核發之專供試驗研究、教育示範、專案防治或申請登記用樣品同意文件;或(三)非屬公告之環境用藥微生物製劑或污染防治用藥,應檢附環境部證明文件。 For importation of environment medicines (including technical grade environment medicines, environment medicines products): (1)(a) A photocopy of an environment medicine import license issued by the Ministry of Environment, is required. Non-licensed importers shall submit an application together with an authorization documentation issued by the owner of such a license or photocopy of an environment sanitation medicine license with a stamp indicating that authorization to use it has been granted. (b) A photocopy of a license for dealing in environment medicines is required. But if the technical grade environment medicines are imported by a manufacturer, the manufacturer may submit a photocopy of a license for the manufacture of environment medicines containing the said components. Or(2)an approval issued by the Ministry of Environment is required, if the imported goods are samples provided exclusively for experimental research, educational demonstrations, special control projects, or for license application. Or(3)If the microbial preparations used as environment agents and pollution control agents are not announced by the Ministry of Environment (MOENV), a certificate issued by the MOENV is required for customs clearance.
553 進口毒性或關注化學物質,應檢附直轄市、縣(市)主管機關核發之毒性或關注化學物質許(核)可文件;如非屬環境部公告列管之毒性或關注化學物質,應檢附環境部化學物質管理署核發之不列管證明文件。 For importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances, the permits/approval documents of toxic or concerned chemical substances form which has been approved by special municipality, county or city competent authority are required; but if the imports are not toxic or concerned chemical substances announced by the Ministry of Environment, the certificate of no control issued by the Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment is required.
554 (一)應檢附直轄市、縣(市)主管機關核發之指定電池汞、鎘含量確認文件。(二)如屬進口供檢驗之電池,且數量不超過30個者,應檢附直轄市、縣(市)主管機關核發之同意函。 (1)To import dry cell batteries, the designated battery mercury/cadmium content confirmation document issued by competent authority at the municipal, county (city) government level is required. (2)If the amount of batteries imported for laboratory testing is under 30, a competent authority at the municipal, county (city) government level permission letter is required.
555 輸入7.1kw以下含有HCFC-22之空氣調節器,應檢附環境部同意文件。 Importing window-type air conditioners (including split-type) with a cooling capacity below 7.1kw and using HCFC-22 as a refrigerant should provide an approval document issued by the Ministry of Environment.
560 屬環境部公告之「屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物」者,應於進口報單填列免證通關代碼「EPH90000000001」,據以報關進口。非屬上述者,應依551規定辦理。 For the importation of "Industrial Waste Required as Materials for Industrial Use" announced by the Ministry of Environment, special code EPH90000000001 should be specified on the export declaration documents. For importing waste which is not contained in the aforesaid announcement, compliance with regulation 551 is required.
562 應檢附環境部同意文件。 Shall submit approval documents issued by the Ministry of Environment .
581 應檢附核能安全委員會同意文件。 Approval from the Nuclear Safety Commission is required.
601 進口航空器(含地面用飛行訓練器)應備妥下列文件,憑以辦理進口:(一)進口軍用國家航空器者,應檢附國防部同意文件。(二)進口中央氣象署辦理高空觀測作業用之氣象氣球,應檢附該署核准購買及同意輸入之證明文件。(三)進口上述(一)及(二)以外國家航空器(緝私、偵察、空照、測量、海防、消防及警察勤務等)者,限由中央部會二級以上機關申請,並檢附核准購買或同意輸入證明文件。(四)進口民用航空器者,應依附表經審核主管機關函轉交通部民用航空局核發同意文件。(附表內容:一、進口人為:民用航空運輸業、普通航空業、航空站地勤業、航空器維修業(民航局核給航空器專業維修工廠檢定證)、航空人員訓練機構、個人、法人,審核主管機關為:交通部民用航空局。二、進口人為:其他航空維修業、航太研發製造業,審核主管機關為:經濟部。三、進口人為:公、私立學校,審核主管機關為:教育部。) For importing aircraft (included ground flying trainers), documentations are required as following: 1. Importing aircraft for military use requires approval from the Ministry of National Defense. 2. Importing meteorological balloons for upper-air observation performed by the Central Weather Administration requires a permit for purchase or import issued by the governing authority.3. Importing national aircrafts other than use for those referred to in the preceding two subparagraphs (e.g. customs, aerial surveillance, aerial photography, aerial survey, coast guard, fire fighting, police services, etc.) requires permit or approval for purchase or import issued by authority-in-charge, however, the applicant is limited to the central government agency higher than (including) the second level under ministries or committees. 4. Importing aircraft for civil use, the application should be first submitted to the authority-in-charge as listed below for approval and referring to the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC).(List:1. Importers: (1) Civil air transport enterprise (2) General aviation enterprise(3) Airport ground service provider (4) Aircraft repair and maintenance services provider (holding a certificate of aircraft repair and maintenance factory issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration)(5) Aviation training organization(6) individual or juridical person, the authority-in-charge is Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 2. Importers: (1) Other aeronautical repair and maintenance services provider (2) Aerospace research and development institute and manufacture, the authority-in-charge is Ministry of Economic Affairs. 3. Importers: Public or private school, the authority-in-charge is Ministry of Education.)
602 (一)進口屬「應經核准之電信管制射頻器材」,應取得國家通訊傳播委員會核發之電信管制射頻器材進口核准證或電信管制射頻器材輸入專用證號證明後由海關放行。但屬軍事專用者,應取得國防部核發之電信管制射頻器材進口許可證後由海關放行。(二)經國家通訊傳播委員會或其委託之驗證機構審驗合格之低功率射頻器材、無線電信終端設備或業餘無線電臺,免請領進口核准證,但應憑國家通訊傳播委員會或其委託之驗證機構核發之審驗證明辦理通關。(備註:原由交通部電信總局核發之前揭證明文件亦適用本規定。) (1) Imported controlled telecommunications radio-frequency devices shall be released by customs after obtaining an import approval certificate or a certificate of special permit number issued by the National Communications Commission (NCC). However, devices imported for military use shall require an approval document from the Ministry of National Defense prior to their release.(2) Telecommunications terminal equipment (TTE), low-power radio-frequency devices (LP), or amateur radio stations that have been issued an approval certificate by the NCC or a Regulatory Certification Body (RCB) may be exempt from applying for an import approval certificate. Nevertheless, these imports shall be released by customs after obtaining the TTE approval certificate, LP approval certificate, or amateur radio station approval certificate issued by the NCC or an RCB. (Note: An approval certificate issued by the Directorate of General Telecommunications (DGT) shall also be valid under this regulation.)
606 進口船舶除下列船舶外,均應檢附交通部航港局同意文件:一、不適用船舶法規定之船舶(軍事建制之艦艇、龍舟、獨木舟及非動力帆船、消防及救災機構岸置之公務小船、推進動力未滿十二瓩之非漁業用小船)。二、非大陸地區製造之遊艇及動力帆船。 For the importation of vessels or ships, an approval from Maritime and Port Bureau(MPB) is required unless vessels or ships meet any one of following conditions:1.Ships not applied to the Law of Ships:(1) Naval crafts of military organization.(2) Dragon boats, canoes and non-powered sailboats.(3) Business small ships coast-anchored by the fire and rescue organization.(4) Small ships with a propulsive power under 12 kilowatts and not used for fishing.2.Yachts and powered sailboats made in a country or region other than Mainland China.
608 (一)駕駛盤限為左方者;但總重逾150公噸、寬度逾3.5公尺或高度逾5.6公尺者,不在此限。(二)進口符合上述但書規定者,應於進口報單註明「進口後不得請領牌照及臨時通行證,亦不得行駛於道路」字樣。 (1) Only for steering wheel on left side. However, the vehicle of the gross vehicle weight more than 150MT, the width more than 3.5m or the height more than 5.6m is excluded.(2) Import in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned proviso, a clear indication "shall not apply for the license plate and temporary permits, and shall not drive on the road after import " should be marked in the import declaration.
612 進口航空器(含地面用飛行訓練器)用途之滅火器(含有三氟一溴甲烷(海龍1301)、二氟一氯一溴甲烷(海龍1211)或四氟二溴乙烷(海龍2402)藥劑)者,應依附表經審核主管機關函轉交通部民用航空局核發同意文件。(附表內容:(一)軍用國家航空器所需海龍滅火器者,審核主管機關為國防部。(二)軍用以外國家航空器(緝私、偵察、空照、測量、海防、消防及警察勤務等)所需海龍滅火器者,審核主管機關為各目的事業主管機關。(三)民用航空器所需海龍滅火器者,審核主管機關為交通部民用航空局。) For importing halon fire-extinguishers for aircraft (included ground flying trainers), containing bromotrifluoromethane (halon- 1301), bromochlorodifluoromethane (halon-1211) or dibromotetrafluoroethane (halon-2402), the applicant is first submitted to the authority-in-charge as listed below for approval and referring to the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC). (List: 1. Importing halon fire-extinguishers for military use, the authority-in-charge is the Ministry of National Defense. 2. Importing halon fire-extinguishers for national aircrafts other than use for military (e.g. customs, aerial surveillance, aerial photography, aerial survey, coast guard, fire fighting, police services, etc.), the authority-in-charge is the central government agency higher than (including) the second level under ministries or committees. 3. Importing halon fire-extinguishers for civil aircraft use, the authority-in-charge is the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communication.)
613 應檢附交通部航港局同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Maritime and Port Bureau is required.
614 進口航空器用信號彈應備妥下列文件,憑以辦理進口:(一)進口軍用航空器使用者,應檢附國防部同意文件。(二)進口國家航空器使用(緝私、偵查、空照、測量、海防、消防及警察勤務等)者,應檢附中央部會二級以上目的事業主管機關同意文件。(三)進口民用航空器使用者,應檢附交通部民用航空局同意文件。 For importing very flares for aircrafts, documentations are required as following: (1) Importing for military aircrafts use requires approval from the Ministry of National Defense. (2) Importing for national aircrafts use (e.g. customs, aerial surveillance, aerial photography, aerial survey, coast guard, fire fighting, police services, etc.) requires approval from the central government agency higher than (including) the second level under ministries or committees. (3) Importing for civil aircrafts use requires approval from the Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC.
615 應檢附內政部警政署同意文件。 Approval from the National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior is required.
641 應檢附國防部同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required.
801 (一)進口農藥,應依405規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口環境衛生用藥品,應依552規定辦理。(四)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(五)進口非屬上述項目者,應檢具經環境部化學物質管理署核發之證明文件辦理通關放行。 (1) Importation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of "405". (2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of "552". (4) Importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of "553". (5) Importation of commodity not belong to the aforesaid items, a certificate issued by the Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment is required for customs clearance.
802 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use and veterinary medicines" is required.
804 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理(二)進口人用醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(三)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、人用醫療器材、動物用藥品」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of medical devices for human use is governed by the regulation of"504" (3)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(4)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicines, medical devices for human use and veterinary medicines" is required.
805 (一)進口農藥,應依405規定辦理。(二)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬農藥、毒性或關注化學物質」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of '405'. (2) Importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of '553'.(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is 'not pesticides, toxic or concerned chemical substances' is required.
806 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(四)進口食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(五)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(六)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、飼料或飼料添加物、食品添加物、醫療器材」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404".(4) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(5) Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504".(6)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use, veterinary medicines, feedstuff or feedstuff additives, food additives and medical equipment" is required.
807 (一)進口人用藥品,應依501規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "501". (2)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use and veterinary medicines" is required.
808 (一)進口人用藥品,應依506規定辦理(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口食品及食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、食品及食品添加物」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"506".(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3) importation of food and food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(4)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use, veterinary medicines, food and food additives" is required.
809 (一)進口人用藥品,應依506規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(四)進口食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(五)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(六)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、飼料或飼料添加物、食品添加物、醫療器材」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"506".(2)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404".(4) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(5) Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504".(6)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use, veterinary medicines, feedstuff or feedstuff additives, food additives and medical equipment" is required.
810 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口環境衛生用藥品,應依552規定辦理。(三)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(四)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(五)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、環境衛生用藥品、動物用藥品、毒性或關注化學物質」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1)Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of '503'.(2)Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of '552'.(3)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of '406'.(4)Importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of '553'.(5)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is 'not to be used as human use, environment sanitation medicines, veterinary medicines, toxic or concerned chemical substances' is required.
814 (一)進口人用中藥藥品,應依505規定辦理。(二)進口動物用中藥藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) Importation of traditional chinese drugs for human use is governed by the regulation of "505". (2) Importation of veterinary chinese medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
815 (一)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬醫療器材、動物用藥品」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504". (2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not medical equipment and veterinary medicines" is required.
818 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(四)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(五)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、食品添加物、醫療器材」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(4) Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504".(5)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use, veterinary medicines, food additives and medical equipment" is required.
820 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口人用醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(三)進口環境衛生用藥品,應依552規定辦理。(四)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(五)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(六)進口食品及食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(七)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、人用醫療器材、環境衛生用藥品、動物用藥品、毒性或關注化學物質、食品及食品添加物」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of '503'. (2) Importation of medical devices for human use is governed by the regulation of '504'.(3) Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of '552'.(4) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of '406'. (5) Importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of '553'.(6) Importation of food and food additives is governed by the regulation of '508'.(7)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is 'not to be used as human use, medical devices for human use, environment sanitation medicines, veterinary medicines ,toxic or concerned chemical substances' , food and food additives ' is required.
821 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口食品及相關產品,應依F01辦理。(四)進口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依501規定辦理。(五)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、食品及相關產品、傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (2) Importation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (4) Importation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "501". (5) Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary drug, foods and food-relevant products, and is not a specimen of communicable diseases or a suspected specimen of communicable diseases" is required.
823 (一)進口人用藥品,應依506規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(四)進口食品及相關產品,應依F01辦理。(五)進口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依501規定辦理。(六)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、醫療器材、食品及相關產品、傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "506". (2) Importation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504". (4) Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (5) Importation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "501". (6) Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary drug, medical equipment, foods and food-relevant products, and is not a specimen of communicable diseases or a suspected specimen of communicable diseases" is required.
824 (一)進口人用藥品、人類血液:1.應依506規定辦理。2.進口研究用、教學或檢驗用之「非感染性人類血液」,於進口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999990。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理。(四)進口感染性生物材料(供食品用途者除外),應依501規定辦理。(五)進口食品及相關產品,應依F01辦理。(六)進口人類細胞株:1.應依501規定辦理。2.供研究用之人類細胞株(含人類幹細胞株、人類胚胎幹細胞株),於進口報單填列專用代碼DHK99999999999。(七)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、醫療器材、感染性生物材料、食品及相關產品、人類細胞株」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 1. Imported human drug products and human blood: (1) is governed by the regulation of "506". (2) The dedicated code (number) of import declaration (application for import) for imported non-infectious human blood for research, teaching or testing is DHM99999999990. 2. Importation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "406". 3. Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504". 4. Importation of infectious biological materials for experimental study (except for foods and food-relevant products) is governed by the regulation of "501". 5. Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". 6. Importation of human cell lines: (1) is governed by the regulation of "501". (2) Importation of human cell lines (including human stem cell lines, human embryonic stem cell lines) for research should list the special code DHK99999999999 on the import declaration. 7. Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary drug, medical equipment, infectious biological materials for experimental study, foods and food-relevant products, and is not a human cell line" is required.
825 (一)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(二)進口肥料,應依403規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬飼料或飼料添加物及肥料」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1)Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404". (2)Importation of fertilizer is governed by the regulation of "403". (3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as feedstuff or feedstuff additives and fertilizer " is required.
826 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(二)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(三)進口食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、飼料或飼料添加物及食品添加物」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404".(3) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(4)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as medicines for human use, feedstuff or feedstuff additives and food additives ".
827 (一)進口食品及相關產品,應依F01辦理。(二)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(三)進口一般工業用油脂,應依251規定辦理。(四)進口生質柴油用油脂,應依255規定辦理。(五)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(六)依出進口廠商登記辦法登記之進口人,輸入油脂非屬應向上述主管機關申請許可文件者,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可文件。(七)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (4) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (5) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404". (6) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regulations Governing Registration of Exporters and Importers and import the above goods shall apply for import approval documents with competent authority of those specific items. If the imported goods are other than the above-mentioned items, importers shall apply for import approval documents with the International Trade Administration. (7) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
828 (一)進口食品添加物或非食品添加物之食品原料,應依508規定辦理。(二)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(三)進口一般工業用油脂,應依251規定辦理。(四)進口生質柴油用油脂,應依255規定辦理。(五)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(六)依出進口廠商登記辦法登記之進口人,輸入油脂非屬應向上述主管機關申請許可文件者,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可文件。(七)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) For importation of food additives or foods but not food additives , shall be governed by the regulation of "508". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (4) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (5) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404". (6) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regulations Governing Registration of Exporters and Importers and import the above goods shall apply for import approval documents with competent authority of those specific items. If the imported goods are other than the above-mentioned items, importers shall apply for import approval documents with the International Trade Administration. (7) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
829 (一)進口一般工業用油脂,應依251規定辦理。(二)進口生質柴油用油脂,應依255規定辦理。(三)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(四)依出進口廠商登記辦法登記之進口人,輸入油脂非屬應向上述主管機關申請許可文件者,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可文件。(五)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (2) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (3) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404". (4) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regulations Governing Registration of Exporters and Importers and import the above goods shall apply for import approval documents with competent authority of those specific items. If the imported goods are other than the above-mentioned items, importers shall apply for import approval documents with the International Trade Administration. (5) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
830 (一)進口食品及相關產品,應依F01辦理。(二)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(三)進口一般工業用油脂,應依251規定辦理。(四)進口生質柴油用油脂,應依255規定辦理。(五)依出進口廠商登記辦法登記之進口人,輸入油脂非屬應向上述主管機關申請許可文件者,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可文件。(六)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (4) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (5) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regulations Governing Registration of Exporters and Importers and import the above goods shall apply for import approval documents with competent authority of those specific items. If the imported goods are other than the above-mentioned items, importers shall apply for import approval documents with the International Trade Administration. (6) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
831 (一)進口食品添加物或非食品添加物之食品原料,應依508規定辦理。(二)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(三)進口一般工業用油脂,應依251規定辦理。(四)進口生質柴油用油脂,應依255規定辦理。(五)依出進口廠商登記辦法登記之進口人,輸入油脂非屬應向上述主管機關申請許可文件者,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可文件。(六)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) For importation of food additives or foods but not food additives , shall be governed by the regulation of "508". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (4) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (5) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regulations Governing Registration of Exporters and Importers and import the above goods shall apply for import approval documents with competent authority of those specific items. If the imported goods are other than the above-mentioned items, importers shall apply for import approval documents with the International Trade Administration. (6) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
832 (一)進口一般工業用油脂,應依251規定辦理。(二)進口生質柴油用油脂,應依255規定辦理。(三)依出進口廠商登記辦法登記之進口人,輸入油脂非屬應向上述主管機關申請許可文件者,應向經濟部國際貿易署申請輸入許可文件。(四)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (2) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (3) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regulations Governing Registration of Exporters and Importers and import the above goods shall apply for import approval documents with competent authority of those specific items. If the imported goods are other than the above-mentioned items, importers shall apply for import approval documents with the International Trade Administration. (4) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
834 (一)進口人用藥品,應依503規定辦理(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口屬食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明『本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、食品添加物』字樣,免依上述規定辦理。」 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406", (3) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(4)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human use, veterinary medicines and food additives" is required.
835 (一)進口人用藥品,應依506規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依501規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "506". (2) Importation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "501". (4)Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary drug, and is not a specimen of communicable diseases or a suspected specimen of communicable diseases" is required.
836 (一)進口人用藥品、人類檢體:1.應依506規定辦理。2.進口研究用、教學或檢驗用之「非感染性人類檢體」,於進口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999990。(二)進口人類細胞株:1.應依501規定辦理。2.供研究用之人類細胞株(含人類幹細胞株、人類胚胎幹細胞株),於進口報單填列專用代碼DHK99999999999。(三)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、人類檢體、人類細胞株、動物用藥品」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 1.Imported human drug products, human specimens: (1) is governed by regulation "506". (2) The dedicated code (number) of import declaration (application for import) for imported non-infectious human specimens for research, teaching or testing is DHM99999999990. 2. Importation of human cell lines: (1) is governed by regulation " 501". (2) Importation of human cell lines (including human stem cell lines, human embryonic stem cell lines) for research should list the special code DHK99999999999 on the import application. 3. Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by regulation "406". 4. Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary medicine, and is not a human cell line or a specimen of human or animal origin" is required.
837 (一)進口農藥,應依405規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口環境衛生用藥品,應依552規定辦理。(四)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(五)進口飼料或飼料添加物,應依404規定辦理。(六)進口非屬上述項目者,應檢具經環境部化學物質管理署核發之證明文件辦理通關放行。 (1) Importation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of "405". (2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of "552". (4) Importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of "553". (5) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404". (6)Importation of commodity not belong to the aforesaid items, a certificate issued by the Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment is required for customs clearance.
838 (一)進口屬食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(二)進口屬人用藥品,應依503規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述用途者,應依553規定辦理。(四)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許(核)可文件者,不准進口。 (1)For importation of food additives,it is governed by the regulation of "508".(2)For importation of drug for human use,it is governed by the regulation of "503".(3)For importation of commodity not belonging to the aforesaid use,it is governed by the regulation of "553".(4)For importing good under this item without import the permits/ approval documents from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
839 (一)應依504及F03規定辦理。 (二)旅客入境攜帶醫用口罩總數量在250片以下者,免依504規定辦理。(三)旅客入境攜帶醫用口罩免依F03規定辦理。 1.Procedures shall be handled in accordance with regulations 504 and F03. 2.Visitors entering with fewer than 250 medical masks are exempt from regulation 504. 3.Visitors entering with medical masks are exempt from regulation F03.
840 (一)進口乾品,應依502及H01規定辦理。(二)進口新鮮品,應依F01規定辦理,並於進口報單填列502規定免證專用代碼。(三)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許可文件者,不准進口。 (1) Importation of dry goods is governed by the regulation of "502" and "H01". (2) Importation of fresh goods is governed by the regulation of "F01", and the exemption special code of the regulation of "502" should be listed on the import application for these Goods. (3) Goods under this item without import approval document from the competent authority is not allowed to be imported.
842 (一)進口人用藥品、人類檢體:1.應依506規定辦理。2.進口研究用、教學或檢驗用之「非感染性人類檢體」,於進口報單填列專用代碼DHM99999999990。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口中藥材,應依502規定辦理。(四)進口傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體,應依501規定辦理。(五)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、人類檢體、動物用藥品、中藥材、傳染病檢體或供檢驗用之疑似傳染病檢體」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 1. Imported human drug products, human specimens: (1) is governed by the regulation of "506". (2) The dedicated code (number) of import declaration (application for import) for imported non-infectious human specimens for research, teaching or testing is DHM99999999990. 2. Importation of veterinary drugs is governed by the regulation of "406". 3. Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502". 4. Importation of specimens of communicable diseases or suspected specimens of communicable diseases for testing is governed by the regulation of "501". 5. Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as human medicine or veterinary drug, and is not a specimen of human or animal origin, Chinese medicine materials, a specimen of communicable diseases or a suspected specimen of communicable diseases" is required.
843 (一)進口環境衛生用藥品,應依552規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬環境衛生用藥品、動物用藥品、毒性或關注化學物質」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of '552'.(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of '406'. (3) Importation of toxic or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of '553'.(4) Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is 'not to be used as environment sanitation medicines, veterinary medicines ,toxic or concerned chemical substances' is required.
844 (一)進口人用藥品,應依506規定辦理(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理(三)進口醫療器材,應依504規定辦理(四)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬人用藥品、動物用藥品、醫療器材」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "506". (2) Importaition of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of medical equipment is governed by the regulation of "504". (4) Importation of commodity not belong to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from "the said regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is not to be used as human medicines, veterinary medicines, medical equipment" is required.
845 (一)進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(二)進口食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(三)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許(核)可文件者,不准進口。 For importation of toxic chemical substances or concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of '553'. (2) For importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of '508'. (3) For importing good under this item without import the permits/ approval documents from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
846 (一)進口人用藥品,應依506規定辦理。(二)進口動物用藥品,應依406規定辦理。(三)進口進口毒性或關注化學物質,應依553規定辦理。(四)進口本項貨品未取得上開主管機關輸入許(核)可文件者,不准進口。 Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "506". (2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of toxic and concerned chemical substances is governed by the regulation of "553". (4) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the competent authority, is not allowed to be imported.
847 (一)進口食品添加物,應依508規定辦理。(二)進口感染性生物材料(供食品用途者除外),應依501規定辦理。(三)進口非屬上述項目者,應註明「本貨品非屬食品添加物、感染性生物材料」字樣,免依上述規定辦理。 (1) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508". (2) Importation of infectious biological materials for experimental study (except for foods and food-relevant products) is governed by the regulation of "501". (3) Importation of commodities not belonging to the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, but a clear indication that the commodity is "not to be used as food additives and infectious biological materials for experimental study" is required.
A01 進口時應依飼料管理法第二十二條之二規定,向農業部公告委任之動植物防疫檢疫署及其所屬各分署申報輸入查驗。 Importation of feeds shall be made in accordance with Article 22-2 of the Feeds Control Act. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (APHIA) and its branch offices which are delegated by the Ministry of Agriculture.
A02 本項下商品如屬飼料,進口時應依飼料管理法第二十二條之二規定,向農業部公告委任之動植物防疫檢疫署及其所屬各分署申報輸入查驗。 Importation of feeds under this item shall be made in accordance with Article 22-2 of the Feeds Control Act. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (APHIA) and its branch offices which are delegated by the Ministry of Agriculture.
B01 進口時,應依農業部動植物防疫檢疫署編訂之「應施檢疫動植物品目表」及有關檢疫規定辦理。
【註:相關規定請洽農業部動植物防疫檢疫署或至該署網站 https://www.aphia.gov.tw 查詢】。
Importation shall be subject to the prescription set forth in the "List of Items Subject to Animal & Plant Quarantine" and relevant quarantine requirements compiled by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
(Note: Please contact APHIA for related quarantine requirements or access the APHIA's website https://www.aphia.gov.tw.)
C01 經濟部標準檢驗局公告應施進口檢驗商品 Items subject to legal import inspection announced by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
C02 本項下部分商品屬於經濟部標準檢驗局公告應施進口檢驗商品。 Some of the commodities under this item subject to legal import inspection announced by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, ministry of economic affairs.
F01 輸入商品應依照「食品及相關產品輸入查驗辦法」規定,向衛生福利部食品藥物管理署申請辦理輸入查驗。【註:相關規定應洽衛生福利部食品藥物管理署】。 Importation of foods shall follow the"Regulations for Inspection of imported Foods and Related Products".The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration,Ministry of Health and Welfare(FDA).(Note:Please contact FDA for relevant inspection requirements of food imports.)
F02 本項下商品如屬食品、食品器具、食品容器或包裝、食品用洗潔劑等食品相關用途或含有前述物品者,應依照「食品及相關產品輸入查驗辦法」規定,向衛生福利部食品藥物管理署申請辦理輸入查驗。【註:相關規定應洽衛生福利部食品藥物管理署】。 Importation of products used for food-relevant purposes including foods, food utensils, food containers or packaging, food cleansers, or the products containing preceding articles shall follow the " Regulations for Inspection of imported Food and Food-relevant products " promulgated by Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (FDA). (Note:Please contact FDA for relevant inspection requirements of food imports.)
F03 輸入醫療器材應依照「輸入醫療器材邊境抽查檢驗辦法」規定,向衛生福利部食品藥物管理署申請辦理輸入查驗。 Importation of medical devices shall follow the "Regulations Governing Border Inspection and Examination of Imported Medical Devices". The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (FDA).
H01 衛生福利部公告應施輸入查驗中藥材,應憑衛生福利部食品藥物管理署核發之輸入許可證通知進口。 Items subject to legal inspection of imported Chinese herbs announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
H02 本項下部分中藥材係衛生福利部公告應施輸入查驗中藥材,應憑衛生福利部食品藥物管理署核發之輸入許可證通知進口。 Some of the commodities under this item subject to legal inspection of imported Chinese herbs announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
M88 自中國大陸進口應檢附經濟部國際貿易局備查文件。
Importation from Mainland China shall apply for reference document from the Bureau of Foreign Trade
MP1 (一)大陸物品有條件准許輸入,應符合「大陸物品有條件准許輸入項目、輸入管理法規彙總表」之規定。(二)「大陸物品有條件准許輸入項目、輸入管理法規彙總表」內列有特別規定「MXX」代號者,應向國際貿易署辦理輸入許可證;未列有特別規定「MXX」代號者,依一般簽證規定辦理。 (1) Importation of Mainland China products in this category is conditionally permitted. The importation should conform to the regulations of "Consolidated List of Conditional Import Items of Mainland China Origin and Regulations Governing Import of Mainland China Origin Commodities".(2) Importation of items on the "Consolidated List of Conditional Import Items of Mainland China Origin and Regulations Governing Import of Mainland China Origin Commodities" with "MXX" code requires Import Permit issued by the International Trade Administration; Importation of items without "MXX" code shall be subject to the general code of import permit issuance.
MW0 大陸物品不准輸入。
Importation of Mainland China products is prohibited.
W01 輸入酒品應依照財政部及衛生福利部會銜發布「進口酒類查驗管理辦法」規定,向財政部申請辦理輸入查驗。 Importation of alcohol shall be made in accordance with "The Administrative Regulations Governing the Inspection of Imported Alcohol" jointly promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Ministry of Finance.