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編號 規定中文 規定英文 實施日期
輸出下列貨品,不論其歸CCC何號列,應依照下列有關規定辦理;違者,廠商應自負相關法律責任: The exportation of any of the following products shall be made in accordance with the requirements listed below regardless of their CCC codes. Violators shall bear any derived legal responsibility.
(一) 輸出農業部公告禁用之農藥,應自行依照輸出規定代號「441」之規定辦理。 Exportation of pesticides announced by the Ministry of Agriculture as prohibited items shall be made in accordance with the regulation of “441”. 112/10/23
(二) 輸出行政院公告列管之管制藥品,應自行依照輸出規定代號「522」之規定辦理。 Exportation of controlled drugs announced by the Executive Yuan as subject to control shall be made in accordance with the regulation of “522”. 100/10/01
(三) 輸出環境部公告禁用之環境用藥,應自行依照輸出規定代號「531」之規定辦理。 Exportation of environmental agents announced by the Ministry of Environment as prohibited items shall be made in accordance with the regulation of “531”. 112/09/18
(四) 輸出有害廢棄物及其他經環境部指定之一般事業廢棄物,應自行依照輸出規定代號「531」之規定辦理。 Exportation of hazardous wastes and general industrial wastes designated by the Ministry of Environment shall be made in accordance with the regulation of “531”. 112/09/18
(五) 輸出環境部公告列管之毒性或關注化學物質,應自行依照輸出規定代號「533」之規定辦理。 Exportation of toxic or concerned chemical substances announced by the Ministry of Environment as subject to control shall be made in accordance with the regulation of “533”. 112/09/18
(六) 輸出野生動物保育法列管之野生動物活體、其產製品或農業部公告適用野生動物保育法之人工飼養、繁殖野生動物,應於出口前取得農業部之同意文件。 Exporters shall submit approval documents issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the "MOA") for exportation of live wildlife or products thereof as governed by the Wildlife Conservation Act, or for captive-raised or bred wildlife as announced by the MOA and governed by the Wildlife Conservation Act. 112/10/23
(七) 輸出野生動物保育法列管之海洋野生動物活體、海洋保育類及海洋哺乳類野生動物產製品或海洋委員會公告適用野生動物保育法之人工飼養、繁殖海洋野生動物,應於出口前取得海洋委員會之同意文件。 Exporters shall submit approval documents issued by the Ocean Affairs Council (hereinafter referred to as the "OAC") for exportation
of live marine wildlife or protected marine wildlife products or marine mammalian products thereof as governed by the Wildlife Conservation Act, or for captive-raised or bred marine wildlife as announced by the OAC and governed by the Wildlife Conservation Act.
(一)輸出「光碟管理條例」第二條第二款定義之預錄式光碟(商品號列及貨品名稱詳如附表),應依規定壓印標示來源識別碼(SID Code)。

1. 8523.49.00.10-3 藉自動資料處理機,提供給使用者處理或與機器互動,可以讀取之二位元方式複製儲存於機器之指令、資料、聲音、影像者
2. 8523.49.00.21-0 已錄製聲音及影像之雷射影碟(LD)、影音光碟(VCD)及數位影音光碟(DVD)
3. 8523.49.00.29-2 其他已錄製供雷射閱讀系統用碟片
4. 8523.49.00.90-6 其他已錄製光學媒體
The export regulations for recorded optical disks
(1) For the exportation of recorded optical disks which meet the definition in Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Optical Disk Law (see the attached list), such optical disks must be imprinted with source identification codes (SID codes).
(2) For the exportation of products (recorded optical disks) not on the above-mentioned list - that is principally CDs, such as those containing product catalogues, operation manuals or drivers which, as required for sale and trade, need to accompany other products - one optical disk without an SID code is allowed, in principle, for each unit of product, and such optical disks should be declared clearly in the Export Declaration for customs clearance. If the quantity of optical disks without SID code exceeds one per unit, the Customs will not allow exportation until it receives written approval from the International Trade Administration.

attached list:
1. 8523.49.00.10-3 For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image, recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine
2. 8523.49.00.21-0 Recorded LDs, VCDs or DVDs of sound and image
3. 8523.49.00.29-2 Other recorded discs for laser reading systems
4. 8523.49.00.90-6 Other recorded optical media
輸出CCC8703、8704節舊汽車、CCC8711節舊機車及CCC8407、8408節舊引擎等3類貨品應依下列規定辦理: The exportation of used motor cars (heading No. 8703、8704), used motorcycles (heading No. 8711), and used engines (headings Nos. 8407 and 8408) must be made in accordance with the following regulations:
(一) 出口人應依「舊機動車輛及引擎輸出查證作業要點」辦理非贓車查證,檢附內政部警政署保安警察第三總隊或所屬大隊核發之查證報告及清冊,逕向海關報關出口。 The exporter must register the items to be exported with the Headquarters of the Third Special Police Force, National Police Administration, Ministry of the Interior, or with a police force under its command, to obtain both the documentary and physical verification of the items to be exported as non-stolen vehicles, in accordance with the “Directions for Export Examination of Used Motor Vehicles and Engines.” The exporter must then directly submit the Examination Report (with detailed vehicles and /or engines list) issued by the Third Special Police Force Headquarters or a police force under its command to the Customs for customs clearance. 100/04/18
(二) 通關關出口時,出口人應於出口報單貨品名稱欄內填列舊品(USED),由海關依其申請,列入「文件審核通關(C2)」或「貨物查驗通關(C3)」;未依規定報明者,出口人應自負法律責任。 Prior to customs clearance, the exporter must enter “USED” on the export declaration. The Customs will then classify the application as either “document checking required (Channel 2)” or “physical examination required (Channel 3).” In case the above regulations on declaration are violated, the exporter shall bear legal responsibility. 100/04/18
輸出規定代號內容之許可或證明文件,透過關港貿單一窗口電腦比對者,出口人應申報許可或證明文件之簽審文件號碼(14碼),免檢附紙本供海關查核;未透過關港貿單一窗口電腦比對者,出口人應檢附相關主管機關核發之許可或證明文件紙本供海關查核。 When a compliance-check between the declaration and the permit is processed through the Customs-Port-Trade (CPT) Single Window System, the exporter must indicate the 14-character code on the export declaration, so submission of written documents is not required. When the compliance-check between the declaration and the permit is not processed through the CPT Single Window System, submission of documents issued by the relevant competent authority is required for customs inspection. 109/08/24