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編號 中文 英文 實施日期
1 輸出貨品,應依貿易法、貿易法施行 細則、貨品輸出管理辦法、限制輸出貨 品表及海關協助查核輸出貨品表之規 定辦理。輸出大陸地區貨品,應另依 臺灣地區與大陸地區貿易許可辦法之 規定辦理。輸出戰略性高科技貨品, 應另依戰略性高科技貨品輸出入管理 辦法之規定辦理。 The exportation of commodities shall be made in accordance with the Foreign Trade Act, the Enforcement Rules of the Foreign Trade Act, the Regulations Governing Export of Commodities, the “List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction” and the “List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination”. For commodities exported to Mainland China, the exportation shall be made in accordance with the “Regulations Governing Permission of Trade between Taiwan Area and Mainland Area”; the exportation of strategic high-tech commodities shall be made in accordance with the Regulations Governing Export and Import of Strategic High- Tech Commodities.
2 依照貿易法,貨品輸出管理係採取原則准許,例外限制之方式,亦即原則上准許自由輸出,至於因國際條約、貿易協定或基於國防、治安、文化、衛生、環境與生態保護或政策需要而限制輸出者,採行負面列表制度,並編訂「限制輸出貨品表」及「海關協助查核輸出貨品表」,據以執行。 According to the Foreign Trade Act, commodities are generally allowed to be exported freely. While the international treaties, trade agreements, national defense, social security, culture protection, hygiene, environmental or ecology conservation requires restriction on export, the Negative List shall be applied. For implementation of the Negative List system, the "List of Commodities Subject to export Restriction" and the “List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination” are established.
3 「限制輸出貨品表」內之貨品,包括 下列兩種限制情形:
(1) 管制輸出貨品:非經經濟部國際貿易署(以下簡稱貿易署)專案核准發給輸出許可證,不得輸出。
(2) 有條件准許輸出貨品:有一定之核准條件,出口人應依表內所載輸出規定(如檢附該項貨品主管機關所核發之同意文件等),經貿易署核發輸出許可證後,始得輸出。
For the commodities in the “List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction”, exports are subject to two kinds of regulations:
(1) Commodities subject to export control: Commodities cannot be exported unless the International Trade Administration (hereinafter referred as the "TITA") grants export permits to them.
(2) Commodities can only be exported subject to certain conditions. Exporters of these commodities shall comply with the requirements prescribed in the List (e.g., obtaining consent letters issued by the relevant authorities), and cannot export these commodities, unless the TITA issuing the export permits.
4 「限制輸出貨品表」外之貨品,不限制輸出,並免除輸出許可證,出口人可逕向海關申報出口。但依其他法令之規定,須由有關主管機關核發許可文件或證照始得輸出者,另編訂「海關協助查核輸出貨品表」,委託海關於貨品通關時查核。列入此表內之貨品,應依表列輸出規定辦理,海關始准免證通關放行。 For the commodities not in the "List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction", exports are not subject to any export restriction, and no export permits are required. Exporters can apply for customs clearance for these commodities directly. Although these commodities are not subject to export regulation, some of them are subject to the requirements imposed by other laws or decrees for regulating purposes, such as the requirements for certificates, market licenses, or supervisory approval granted by the relevant competent authorities. Such commodities and the requirements are compiled into the "List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination", and the Customs assist to examine the conformity of these commodities to the listed requirements. Unless these commodities comply with the export requirement set forth in such List, the Customs will not approve the clearance.
5 為便於各界查閱輸出規定,經將絕大部分之規定以三位數字之代號標示於我國貨品分類之各項貨品下,其餘不適合以代號標示於貨品分類各項下之規定,列為「其他相關輸出規定」(請參閱第52至58頁)。 For the convenience of the public to check the relevant export regulations, most regulations have been compiled into three numerical digit codes and put under the CCC (Commodity Classification of the Republic of China) code. As to the other regulations not suitable to be listed this way, please check with the “Other Relevant Export Regulations” on pages 52 to 58.
6 本書所列貨品,其輸出規定為管制輸出(代號111),或須由貿易署核發輸出許可證(代號121)者,即列屬「限制輸出貨品表」;其輸出規定不屬於以上情形,但亦有三位數字之輸出規定代號者,即為「海關協助查核輸出貨品表」之範圍。 For any commodity in this publication, if it is subject to export control (code 111), or if it is subject to require export permits issued by the TITA (code 121), it falls within the "List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction". If the export regulation it is subject to does not belong to any of the above, while any code of the export regulations it is subject to is a three numerical digit code, it falls within the “List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination”.
7 出進口廠商輸出「限制輸出貨品表」內之貨品,應依該表所列輸出規定辦理簽證;輸出「限制輸出貨品表」外之貨品,除戰略性高科技貨品輸出管制清單內之項目外,免簽證,應逕洽海關報關輸出;但其屬「海關協助查核輸出貨品表」內之貨品者,除免簽證外,報關時仍應依該表所列輸出規定辦理。 The registered exporting /importing firms exporting the commodities in the "List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction" shall apply for export permits in accordance with the export regulations contained therein. Except for the strategic hightech commodities, the registered exporting/importing firms exporting the commodities not in the "List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction" may apply for customs clearance directly without applying for any export permit, but shall meet the requirements set forth in the "List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination" if the commodities belong therein.
8 出口人輸出戰略性高科技貨品,應按「戰略性高科技貨品輸出入管理辦法」申請「戰略性高科技貨品輸出許可證」後始得辦理輸出;出口人輸出之戰略性高科技貨品如亦屬於「限制輸出貨品表」或「海關協助查核輸出貨品表」內之貨品者,應另依該兩表所列輸出規定辦理,惟無須依「限制輸 出貨品表」規定另行申請一般貨品輸出許可證。 To export the strategic high-tech commodities, the exporters shall apply the export permits according to the "Regulations Governing Export and Import of Strategic High-Tech Commodities" in advance. If the said commodities also belong to the "List of commodities subject to Export Restriction" or the "List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination", the exporters should also follow the regulations prescribed in the preceding two lists, but general export permit is not required additionally.
9 出進口廠商以外之出口人(包括個人)輸出貨品,應向貿易署申請簽證,但輸出「限制輸出貨品表」外之貨品,其離岸價格(FOB)為美幣2萬元以下或等值者,免簽證;其屬「海關協助查核輸出貨品表」內之貨品者,報關時仍應依該表所列輸出規定辦理。 Exporters (including individuals) who are not registered exporting/ importing firms shall apply to TITA for export permits when exporting any commodity not in the "List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction". However, when the FOB price of the commodities less than equal to US$20,000 or its equivalent, the exportation can be exempt from such licensing requirement; if the commodity belongs to the "List of Commodities Assisted by Customs for Export Examination", its exportation still needs to follow the regulations set out in that list.